Monday, May 7, 2012

Vintage Chair

This past weekend led to an impulse buy. Yes, this little old chair. It stole by heart. Mom and I visited Old House Parts (OHP) in Kennebunk, ME. There isn't really a good way to describe the place. I think its best just to visit! They also have a site. Although the site doesn't do it any justice, it does have a general inventory of the items they offer.
I was pretty much a kid in a candy store when we pulled up to the entrance.  There were old fashion bear claw tubs to great us outside.  Did they know I was coming or something?  It only got better after walking through the door. There were walls and walls lined with early 1900 door knobs and hardware. As most of you know, my house was built in 1918 so it was really neat seeing all the decoration and detail that the people of my house once lived with.
Anyway, a set of four chairs literally bumped me in the head when I was walking through a stairway at OHP. It must have been a sign. Although we were not in the hunt for anything, we couldn't help but scoop them up. $90 for the entire set. Are you kidding me? Before we knew it they were cautiously being placed in the car by the sweet man who worked there.  As you can tell, I couldn't wait to start refinishing mine. I'm pretty sure it will become a part of the living room. I'm making room for it :)  Above you can see the in-progress pics.

Oh, Mom ended up with the other 3. Her plans for refinishing are still unknown at the moment.

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